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Chocolate pumps transfer chocolate through various steps in the production process, including milling, blending, refining, smoothing, tempering, depositing, and packaging. As high viscosity and shear sensitive substances, the ingredients used to make chocolate are perhaps some of the most challenging food substances to pump. Ingredients such as cocoa butter, sugar, and milk all have different viscosities and solids content, requiring a pump that provides enough versatility to handle the chocolate pumping process.

Challenges Associated with the Chocolate Pumping Process

The chocolate pumping process presents several challenges, including maintaining the right flow rate and temperature to prevent pumping issues. Since chocolate is a high viscosity substance, it requires a pump with low discharge pressure to handle cocoa butter, sugar, and other solids or abrasive ingredients. The force also needs to be enough to keep the chocolate moving to prevent pooling and solidification that leads to blockage.
The shear-sensitive nature of chocolate also requires low flow rates to prevent issues. If the pump operates too fast, it can cause the cocoa butter and solids to separate, leading to the chocolate burning. Another factor that contributes to blockages is temperature. High temperatures can change the consistency of chocolate and cause it to congeal, which increases friction in the chocolate pump and increases the chance of blockage. Preventing this issue requires regularly monitoring the chocolate temperature and ensuring the pump components do not overheat.

Chocolate Pumps Designed for High Viscosity Substances  

Despite all the challenges of the chocolate pumping process, there are effective solutions available. With the right pump style, material, and flow rate, you can successfully pump chocolate and other challenging substances.
Positive displacement pumps from Tri-Rotor provide the best solution for pumping chocolate and other high viscosity substances. We designed our pumps to handle both highly viscous and thin materials with exceptional efficiency, providing a versatile solution for all your chocolate production needs. The rotary piston action of our chocolate pumps minimizes agitation to protect shear sensitive substances from damage.
Additional features and benefits of our positive displacement chocolate pumps include:
  • Simple pumping operation with only three moving parts
  • Gentle displacement for low shear pump operation
  • Adjustable flow rates without changing motor speeds
  • Low noise and energy efficient operation
Learn more about the mechanical principle of Tri-Rotor pumps for chocolate and food production.

Recommended Materials for Chocolate Pumps

Chocolate pumps must meet requirements for food production by featuring food-safe interior components and lubricants.  To meet these requirements, we recommend selecting Bronze Fitted (IF) pumps for applications involving chocolate production. These chocolate pumps feature an iron head, body, and shaft housing with components made from iron, bronze, or steel.
Each chocolate pumping application has different requirements. If you still have questions about which pump type is best for your application, view our Pump Material Selection Guide or contact us to discuss which option best meets your requirements.

Learn More About Tri-Rotor Chocolate Pumps and Accessories

Tri-Rotor manufactures positive displacement pumps in a range of materials and configurations to meet all your pumping needs. Request a quick quote for pumps and accessories or contact us to learn more about our chocolate pumps.